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   · ETKİNLİK Giriş Sayfası



Notes for Authors

Submission of full paper: 15 July 2001

The authors are kindly requested to send their full papers in English by e-mail in electronic format (PS or PDF, max. 1 Mb) and by post (1 copy), until July 15, 2001 to the following addresses:

        EMO BURSA
        Tahtakale Veziri Cad. Kent Ishanı Kat 4
        16040 Bursa TURKEY

        e-mail: emob@netone.com.tr

The e-mail messages should be arranged as a cover sheet (paper submission form) containing:

  • full title of the paper;
  • name and affiliation of authors;
  • related paper topics (first and second choice);
  • corresponding author (name, postal & e-mail addresses, telephone & fax numbers);

The camera-ready paper should be prepared as specified below:

  • The manusc ripts must be prepared and printed in double - column format on A4 size high quality white paper. Proceedings will be compiled from these camera-ready manusc ripts.

  • Five pages are allowed for each paper (including title, author(s), abstract, text, figures, tables and references).

  • The margins around each page must be as follows:
    top = 3 cm, bottom = 3 cm, left = 2 cm, right = 2 cm.

  • The width of each column must be 8,2 cm. The column separation is 0,5 cm.

  • The first page of the manusc ript must contain the title of the paper, author‘s name (s) and affiliation(s) all centered on the top of the page and spanning both columns. The top margin for the title on the first page is 5 cm. There must be one-line separations between the title, the author name(s) and the author affiliation(s). A two - line separation is required between the author affiliation(s) and the start of the main text.

  • A brief abstract not exceeding 50 words must be included at the beginning of the paper, on top of the left column.

  • Please use Times New Roman font and single-space typing. Hand written symbols and formulas are not acceptable.

  • The font sizes should be as follows:

  Title14 bold, ALL CAPITALS   Subsc ripts7
  Author(s)12   Supersc ripts7
  Affiliation(s)10 italic   Headings10 bold
  Abstract9 bold   Main text10

  • Section headings must be typed in all capital letters and numbered with Roman numerals. All headings are to be centered on the respective columns.

  • Please do not type any page numbers on the front. Number all pages of your manusc ript starting from page (1) using a soft lead pencil on the backside.

  • Please mail one copy of the manusc ript in a cardboard-reinforced envelope to prevent damage.

  • Please indicate suitable topic of your paper (such as: A6 lighting).

  • You should use the sample paper in Microsoft Word 97 to help you prepare your manusc ript.

    Download template for Paper Format.

    The accepted authors will be notified by e-mail or fax latest 17 September 2001. The first named author‘s address will be used for all correspondences unless otherwise requested. All papers accepted for presentation at the conference will appear in the proceedings of the conference if at least one of the authors‘ conference fees is paid before 12 October 2001.

    The official language of the conference is English.

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